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Dr. Smith

Reflecting upon my practice of the last twenty years plus, I have come to realize that one of the reasons for our success is the number of loyal patients who have been with us for so many years.

We have tried to give you the highest quality service and most current technology available as we strive to maintain the highest standards possible.

We want to thank you for entrusting your care to us and let you know that we appreciate you and hope that our relationship will continue for many more years.

Most professional practices don’t advertise, and therefore we rely heavily on our current patients to build our practice through referrals.

I am always pleased to work on a referral patient because it is like an unsolicited testimonial to our ability to provide superior dental care. Through your endorsements, we know that we are doing things right. If at any time you feel otherwise, please feel free to discuss it openly with my staff and me. We firmly believe that the only obstacles to a good patient/doctor relationship are misunderstanding, misinformation, or lack of proper communication.

We look forward to seeing you on your next visit to our office, and again, I thank you for your vote of confidence.

Dr. Garry L. Smith & Staff